Create a single D flip-flop.
1 | module top_module ( |
Create 8 D flip-flops. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk
1 | module top_module ( |
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high synchronous reset. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk
1 | module top_module ( |
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high synchronous reset. The flip-flops must be reset to 0x34 rather than zero. All DFFs should be triggered by the negative edge of clk
1 | module top_module ( |
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high asynchronous reset. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk
1 | module top_module ( |
Create 16 D flip-flops. It’s sometimes useful to only modify parts of a group of flip-flops. The byte-enable inputs control whether each byte of the 16 registers should be written to on that cycle. byteena[1]
controls the upper byte d[15:8]
, while byteena[0]
controls the lower byte d[7:0]
is a synchronous(同步的,不要和异步高反了, active-low reset.
All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk
1 | module top_module ( |
7.D Latch
Implement the following circuit:
Note that this is a latch, so a Quartus warning about having inferred a latch is expected.
1 | module top_module ( |
8.DFF with gate
Implement the following circuit:
1 | module top_module ( |
9.DFF + MUX - 0
Taken from ECE253 2015 midterm question 5
Consider the sequential circuit below:
Assume that you want to implement hierarchical Verilog code for this circuit, using three instantiations of a submodule that has a flip-flop and multiplexer in it. Write a Verilog module (containing one flip-flop and multiplexer) named top_module
for this submodule.
1 | module top_module ( |
10.DFF + MUX - 1
Consider the n-bit shift register circuit shown below:
Write a Verilog module named top_module for one stage of this circuit, including both the flip-flop and multiplexers.
1 | module top_module ( |
Given the finite state machine circuit as shown, assume that the D flip-flops are initially reset to zero before the machine begins.
Build this circuit.
Hint: Be careful with the reset state. Ensure that each D flip-flop’s Q output is really the inverse of its Q output, even before the first clock edge of the simulation.
1 | module top_module ( |
A JK flip-flop has the below truth table. Implement a JK flip-flop with only a D-type flip-flop and gates. Note: Qold is the output of the D flip-flop before the positive clock edge.
J | K | Q |
0 | 0 | Qold |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | ~Qold |
1 | module top_module ( |
13.Edge Detect
For each bit in an 8-bit vector, detect when the input signal changes from 0 in one clock cycle to 1 the next (similar to positive edge detection). The output bit should be set the cycle after a 0 to 1 transition occurs.
Here are some examples. For clarity, in[1] and pedge[1] are shown separately.
1 | module top_module ( |
For each bit in an 8-bit vector, detect when the input signal changes from one clock cycle to the next (detect any edge). The output bit should be set the cycle after a 0 to 1 transition occurs.
Here are some examples. For clarity, in[1] and anyedge[1] are shown separately.
1 | module top_module ( |
For each bit in a 32-bit vector, capture when the input signal changes from 1 in one clock cycle to 0 the next. “Capture” means that the output will remain 1 until the register is reset (synchronous reset).
Each output bit behaves like a SR flip-flop: The output bit should be set (to 1) the cycle after a 1 to 0 transition occurs. The output bit should be reset (to 0) at the positive clock edge when reset is high. If both of the above events occur at the same time, reset has precedence. In the last 4 cycles of the example waveform below, the ‘reset’ event occurs one cycle earlier than the ‘set’ event, so there is no conflict here.
In the example waveform below, reset, in[1] and out[1] are shown again separately for clarity.
1 | module top_module ( |
You’re familiar with flip-flops that are triggered on the positive edge of the clock, or negative edge of the clock. A dual-edge triggered flip-flop is triggered on both edges of the clock. However, FPGAs don’t have dual-edge triggered flip-flops, and always @(posedge clk or negedge clk)
is not accepted as a legal sensitivity list.
Build a circuit that functionally behaves like a dual-edge triggered flip-flop:
1 | module top_module ( |
1 | module top_module( |
[^2]: 通过仿真和综合认识JK触发器(Verilog HDL语言描述JK触发器)_Reborn Lee-CSDN博客_jk触发器verilog代码
[^3]: verilog实现双边沿触发器Dual-edge triggered flip-flop_城外南风起的博客-CSDN博客_verilog 双边沿